The big day is here! Fitzpatrick has been named the UDG distributor for Finland and Denmark
Fitzpatrick has been a main provider of musical gear in Sweden and Norway since starting in 1982 and has been a UDG distributor since 2019. They are dedicated to getting Nordic DJ's and producers the newest, most advanced equipment and accessories.
We're excited to announce Fitzpatrick has secured exclusive distribution rights for UDG Gear's top-rated DJ accessories in Denmark and Finland. UDG makes sturdy, functional products tailored for working DJs. As partners, Fitzpatrick will offer UDG's full range including bags, cases, stands, cables, and more.
Fitzpatrick is committed to serving DJs by providing UDG's superb products and excellent customer service. They strive to deliver the gear you need, when you need it.
According to Kristofer, Fitzpatrick’s Product Manager/Sales "DJs can expect Fitzpatrick's signature service and UDG's ingenious accessories that simplify life."
As the premier destination for DJs, Fitzpatrick is teaming up with UDG Gear to promote their brand in the Nordics. We're confident their practical products will quickly become essential in the region.
UDG's CEO Michael Schmeitz says, "With Fitzpatrick, Nordic DJs can access some of the smartest DJ accessories globally."
For top-notch, road-ready gear, check out Fitzpatrick's wide selection of UDG products made for working DJs. Contact us to see how UDG can upgrade your setup.
As UDG's official distributor in the Nordics, Fitzpatrick offers their most popular smart accessories for DJs and producers. Get in touch to learn how UDG Gear can boost and protect your essential tools. Find out why UDG has been the top brand for pro DJs and producers for over 20 years.
For more information, please visit Fitzpatrick website at: https://fitzpatrick.se/index.php/portfolio/fitzpatrick-new-distributor-for-udg-gear-in-denmark-and-finland/ or Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/fitzpatricksweden.
Vi på Fitzpatrick Import Group är stolta och glada att meddela att vi har utsetts till distributör för UDG Gear i Finland och Danmark. Fitzpatrick har varit en ledande leverantör av musikinstrument och studioutrustning sedan företaget grundades 1982 och vi har varit distributör för UDG i Sverige och Norge sedan 2019. Vi brinner för att ge nordiska DJ:s och producenter den senaste, mest avancerade utrustningen och tillbehören.
UDG tillverkar robusta, funktionella och smarta produkter som är skräddarsydda för DJs. Som partner kommer Fitzpatrick att erbjuda UDG:s hela sortiment inklusive väskor, fodral, stativ, kablar och mer. Kontakta oss för att lära dig hur UDG Gear kan förbättra och skydda dina viktiga verktyg. Ta reda på varför UDG har varit det främsta varumärket för professionella DJ:s och producenter i över 20 år.
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